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Where The Power Of Technique And Theory Align

I picked up my dad's acoustic axe at the age of 12, hoping to destroy some serious licks. After fighting the brutal action and warped neck, I gave up all hope.


2 years later I received an electric guitar for Christmas. Now this I could work with!


Throughout high school I casually banged out some riffs here and there. Only after arriving at music school at 17, did I start to take things more seriously.

After years of studying technique, composition and recording, I started the Shredmaster Scott YouTube channel. A platform where technique and entertainment collide. This is about helping YOU become a Shredmaster in your own right! E-mail me for limited lesson slots and the Shredmaster Scott newsletter. Join me on this journey and let's build a shred empire together!

Shred Till You're Dead! 


-Shredmaster Scott

It's Up To You 

How far do you want to take your guitar playing? It's up to you. Know thyself and summon razor sharp focus to accomplish your goals. You can achieve tremendous power with the sheer force of your will!

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